NEW course: Global Networked Youth Culture

NEW course: Global Networked Youth Culture

Today’s college students are the first to be “born digital,” living their lives in a physical, geographically centered world and simultaneously in a computer-mediated virtual space.  Young people across the globe increasingly share similar cultural artifacts, listen to the same music, watch the same videos, share the same online social networks, and read the same media commentary. This course provides an introduction to the study of digital youth culture, with attention to the globalizing forces at work as young people engage and consume new media and new technology. Students will investigate the social, economic, and political realities of youth as they negotiate a range of global forces, technological innovations, varied cultural and market contexts, and changing national circumstances.

This course can be used towards either 1) the Culture concentration or 2) the Childhood and Youth concentration in the Sociology B.A. Please see the instructor for information about how to add this course to a concentration.

Global Networked Youth Culture - 16313 - SOCI 395 - 004
4:30 pm - 7:10 pm, R, Amy Best